Katherine A. Keith
kak5 (at) williams (dot) edu
curriculum vitae (CV)
Working Papers
Codebook LLMs: Evaluating LLMs as Measurement Tools for Political Science Concepts
Andrew Halterman and
Katherine A. Keith
"Let Me Just Interrupt You": Estimating Gender Effects in Supreme Court Oral Arguments.
Erica Cai, Ankita Gupta,
Katherine Keith
, Brendan O'Connor, and Douglas R. Rice.
Journal of Law and Courts, 2025. [
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code & data
Proximal Causal Inference With Text Data
Jacob M. Chen, Rohit Bhattacharya, and
Katherine A. Keith
NeurIPS, 2024. [
Democratizing Machine Learning for Interdisciplinary Scholars: Reflections on the NLP+CSS Tutorial Series.
Katherine A. Keith
and Ian Stewart.
Teaching4NLP Workshop, 2023.
[YouTube channel]
RCT Rejection Sampling for Causal Estimation Evaluation.
Katherine A. Keith
, Sergey Feldman, David Jurgens, Jonathan Bragg, and Rohit Bhattacharya.
TMLR, November 2023.
[code & data]
[open reviews]
Literary Intertextual Semantic Change Detection: Application and Motivation for Evaluating Models on Small Corpora
Jackson Ehrenworth and
Katherine A. Keith
LChange Workshop at EMNLP, 2023.
[code & data]
Causal Matching with Text Embeddings: A Case Study in Estimating the Causal Effects of Peer Review Policies.
Raymond Z. Zhang, Neha Nayak Kennard, Daniel Scott Smith, Daniel A. McFarland, Andrew McCallum, and
Katherine A. Keith
Findings of ACL, 2023.
[overview slide]
[code & data]
Words as Gatekeepers: Measuring Discipline-specific Terms and Meanings in Scholarly Publications.
Li Lucy, Jesse Dodge, David Bamman, and
Katherine A. Keith
Findings of ACL, 2023.
[blog post]
[code & data]
Paying Attention to the Algorithm Behind the Curtain: Bringing Transparency to YouTube’s Demonetization Algorithms.
Arun Dunna,
Katherine A. Keith
, Ethan Zuckerman, Narseo Vallina-Rodriguez, Brendan O'Connor, Rishab Nithyanand.
CSCW, 2022.
Causal Inference in Natural Language Processing: Estimation, Prediction, Interpretation and Beyond.
Amir Feder,
Katherine A. Keith
, (and many others).
TACL, 2022.
[github page]
Text as Causal Mediators: Research Design for Causal Estimates of Differential Treatment of Social Groups via Language Aspects.
Katherine A. Keith
, Douglas Rice, and Brendan O'Connor.
CI+NLP Workshop at EMNLP, 2021.
Corpus-Level Evaluation for Event QA: The IndiaPoliceEvents Corpus Covering the 2002 Gujarat Violence.
Andrew Halterman*,
Katherine A. Keith
*, Sheikh Muhammad Sarwar*, and Brendan O'Connor. (*joint first-authors)
Findings of ACL, 2021.
[data & code]
Uncertainty over Uncertainty: Investigating the Assumptions, Annotations, and Text Measurements of Economic Policy Uncertainty.
Katherine A. Keith
, Christoph Teichmann, Brendan O'Connor, and Edgar Meij.
NLP+CSS Workshop at EMNLP, 2020.
[video & slides]
Text and Causal Inference: A Review of Using Text to Remove Confounding from Causal Estimates.
Katherine A. Keith
, David Jensen, and Brendan O'Connor.
ACL, 2020.
[video & slides]
Modeling financial analysts’ decision making via the pragmatics and semantics of earnings calls.
Katherine A. Keith
and Amanda Stent.
ACL, 2019.
[supplementary material]
Uncertainty-aware generative models for inferring document class prevalence.
Katherine A. Keith
and Brendan O'Connor.
EMNLP, 2018.
Monte Carlo Syntax Marginals for Exploring and Using Dependency Parses.
Katherine A. Keith
, Su Lin Blodgett, and Brendan O'Connor.
NAACL, 2018.
Identifying civilians killed by police with distantly supervised entity-event extraction.
Katherine A. Keith
, Abram Handler, Michael Pinkham, Cara Magliozzi, Joshua McDuffie, and Brendan O’Connor.
EMNLP, 2017.
[code & data]
PhD dissertation
Social Measurement and Causal Inference with Text
Katherine A. Keith
PhD Dissertation, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2021.